Only you can prevent bad government!
Civic Education Program for Adults
1. Is easy, powerful, and fun
2. Helps you, the people, learn how your government works3. Helps you learn how to work with your government4. Increases your awareness of the issues you face5. Trains you to make informed decisions regarding these issues6. Builds unity and community7. Trains you to rate and elect effective representatives8. Breaks gridlock
9. Reduces crime10. Reduces dissension11. Is modeled on the US Constitution with checks and balances, self-rule, and freedom of choice built-in12. Improves two-way communication between you, the people, and your government at all levels14. Helps you learn to make decisions, negotiate, solve problems, and build a better community15. Trains you to do this regularly, rationally, and responsibly16. Helps you, the people, speak up effectively so that you can get things done17. Builds bridges between you, your neighbors, and other neighborhoods
Try it; it works!!!
You will find that getting actively involved in our government knowledgeably empowers you, ensuring local involment with better results for your family and community. Be a victor, not a victim! Our program teaches how to do this..
"I would have government by an informed citizenry enlightened by universal education and a free exchange of ideas."
- Thomas Jefferson